The 12 Guilty Pleasures of Christmas, Part 3

I once wanted to became an atheist, but I gave up. They have no holidays. ~Henny Youngman


I know I’ve been away for a few days, P&Q Rangers. Like so many of you I’ve been shocked and horrified at the news of the massacre in Sandy Hook, CT. I’d encourage my readers to send a card or message of condolence to those left behind in mourning. No amount of goodwill can bring back the innocent lives that were lost, sadly. I’ve also been following the angle of the story that the shooter supposedly had Asperger’s and I’d encourage my readers not to jump to conclusions until all the facts come out.

Now that I’ve gotten the serious part of today out of the way, I just realized I need to finish the 12 Guilty Pleasures of Christmas. We’re just over a week away from the big day, and all my gifts have been bought. If you missed Part 1 and Part 2, be sure to catch up! Don’t forget that a random commenter on this series will earn him/herself a random cool prize from Santa.

Guilty Pleasure #6: Every Pop-Culture Phenomenon Doing Christmas


We’ve seen ’em all, from My Little Pony to Transformers to, yes, Mr. T. When Thanksgiving is over, everybody breaks out the Santa hats and carols. It doesn’t matter if the characters live in outer space, under the ocean, or in the Stone Age. Everybody in the pop culture world celebrates Christmas. Why? Well, for the ratings, of course. But we eat them up just the same. (Remember the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special?)

Guilty Pleasure #5: Live Nativity Scenes

Live Nativity 06 015

I take in a few of these “Drive-Thru” Nativity scenes at my local churches every year. They’re usually free, the cast is willing and able, and where else am I able to get up close and personal with a camel in Tennessee? They’re also a poignant reminder of the real meaning of Christmas. It’s easy to forget you’re in the middle of suburban America for ten minutes.

Guilty Pleasure #4: Christmas Light Displays


While I don’t do one of these myself, they’re a lot of fun to enjoy (and, like the live Nativity scenes, usually free.) Load up a bunch of friends in a van or SUV and drive through the suburbs to get a beautiful display of Christmas cheer. One guy in my neighborhood even has a synchronized display with Mannheim Steamroller tunes. Just don’t go overboard the way the Griswolds did in Christmas Vacation…a few colored bulbs and fiberglass reindeer go a long way.

One more edition of Christmas Guilty Pleasures to go! Any of your Guilty Pleasures that I’ve missed so far?

~ by Howlin' Mad Heather on December 17, 2012.

3 Responses to “The 12 Guilty Pleasures of Christmas, Part 3”

  1. There was a neighborhood here many years ago that had elaborate and super-tacky singing Christmas displays. It was simply glorious. I hope we get back to those days again. The best we can hope for now is a lighted window and an inflatable snowman. Is it the economy? I know it’s not a sudden development of good taste because, hello? Inflatable snowman!

  2. Nice article. My guilty pleasure at Christmas time is sharing some really good Spanish sherry with visitors. I guess the guilt factor comes from my fear of alcoholism. I never have that second sherry, just in case.

  3. […] the holiday, and the conclusion to our Guilty Pleasures series (see parts 1, 2 and 3 if you missed […]

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